Tell Your Governor: Fight the Extinction Crisis

America is facing an extinction crisis. Monarch butterflies alone have declined 90-95 percent in the last two decades, due to habitat loss and pesticide use. To truly counter this loss, and to revitalize these magical creatures, we need to go to the source of the problem.

That's why we're starting a massive conservation effort, making it more profitable for farmers to help monarchs than to hurt them. And as we work to implement these plans, federal agencies are turning to states to lead conservation efforts and species management. We need our governors to make wildlife protection a priority.

Take action today, and tell your governor to support much-needed conservation efforts.

Subject: Please make wildlife protection a priority

Dear [Decision maker],

I'm writing today to ask that you do all you can to support much-needed wildlife conservation efforts.

Hundreds of species are currently in the pipeline for listing decisions by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and as industries continue to expand and climate change increases the frequency of catastrophic fires and other extreme weather events, this problem will only get worse.

With these new threats, the time is ripe for policy that reflects the latest developments in science and economics. We now have the ability to better quantify impacts to species and habitats, and to trigger market mechanisms like habitat exchanges that create net benefit, ensuring long-term success.

These policies will protect both the natural resources that make our state great, and our economy. It's a win-win, and I hope that you will make protecting our wildlife a priority for your administration.

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[Your name]
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