• al: Rodger Ricketts
  • destinatario: Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, House Representative, U.S. House of Representatives
We, the undersigned, support Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) and House bill HR 1022 which was introduced into committee which would reauthorize the assault weapons ban. This bill would ban the sale of semiautomatic weapons as well as other unnecessay and dangerous weapons like sawed off shotguns. However, law abiding American citizens can own a semiautomatic weapon with a proper background check. 
The American public as well as law enforcement agencies are overwhelmingly in favor of a ban on semiautomatic weapons. These weapons are a danger to every law abiding citizen of the USA. The founders of the American Constitution would never have agreed that there is a right by the Second Amendment of the Constitution for citizens to own weapons like these. These powerful and deadly weapons were made for the military not a peaceful society. There are plenty of other weapons in the USA for citizens to protect themselves against the bad guys. By signing this petition we will support Rep. McCarthy and show the congress that it must reauthorize the assault weapons ban. This is the right thing to do!
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