Sign this petition to help get trainersback in the water

It is important to get this petition signed , because the trainers and orcas bond, now, compared to waterwork days aren't as strong. If you have ever been to Sea World when waterworks w/ the orcas was still around, then you probably remember the feeling of excitement , passion , and inspiration that you got from believe( the waterworks killer whale show) if you go to seaworld now and watch the new show, One Ocean, you prob won't get that same feeling. You just can't find that trust and amazing bond during the new show, because there is a barrier between the whale and trainer... And this not only makes for a lesser of enjoyable show, but can cause health problems for the animals, and they are probably pretty confused, about what is going on! Imagine doing something That you loved for your whole life, and then BAM - It's completely different. It is upsetting. And this applies to both trainer and killer whale...

Watch the believe show on YouTube and then watch the one ocean show. You'll be surprised at how waterworks can completely spark your inspiration.... I STILL love sea world... And all you "Anti-caps" can hate them as much as ya want. But you won't ever change my mind!!! I馃挋 waterworks!!

Sea world trainers back in 

water w/ orcas

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