Urge the Queensland Government to take urgent action to protect the Great Barrier Reef

  • al: Georgina B.
  • destinatario: Steven Miles, Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection & Minister for National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef

It's no secret the Great Barrier Reef is under serious threat.

However a recent report on ABC.net.au stated that not only is it going to take the reinvention of 10,000 farms to improve water quality and repair the Great Barrier Reef, there's evidence that sediment from banana farms is a large part of the problem.

New research has revealed that flood plumes from tropical rivers are killing young corals and impacting reef growth. The problem is thought to be exacerbated by run-off from banana plantations.

Bananas represent a small part of the total farming area near the Reef but banana plantations have almost doubled in area over the last two decades and produce more sediment and attached nutrient pollution per hectare than any other farming.

The Great Barrier Reef is World Heritage - it must be protected from destruction.

Will you join me in urging the Queensland Government to take urgent action to protect the Reef by enacting an audit of existing runoff and its impacts, to ensure continued monitoring, and appoint a task force to draft recommendations to address the problem?

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