Stop All Clear-Cutting in the Amazon Rainforest!

  • al: Freya Harris
  • destinatario: President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil

Conservation efforts were at the forefront of the Brazilian government's policies until Bolsonaro's election. During his campaign, Bolsonaro told voters that protecting the Amazon was nothing more than an obstacle to industrial and commercial growth. According to the New York Times, Bolsonaro, who has previously been fined for violating environmental regulations, promised to remove protections from the Amazon forests, opening them up to business developers.

He's keeping with his promises, too.

This is not acceptable in the least. Far, far too much of the vital Amazon rainforest has been destroyed. Thousands of species are in peril; many may have already been pushed to the brink of extinction. Indigenous peoples are in danger of violence from greedy corporations who value their land as a commodity, not something precious to be preserved.

We call upon President Bolsonaro to reverse his anti-environmental policy and leave the Amazon alone. Rainforests are important in the battle against climate change because they absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide, as well as help regulate planetary temperatures. We should be protecting the Amazon, its unique habitats, and its indigenous people!

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