They say I’m crazy & I get fired from my job for believing in Jesus Christ as my Lord; and they go to church. Does that make any since…??

    I believe in God as my higher power with all my heart and soul. He had shown me through signs and wonders that He is for real and has plans for me. He had made miracles happen in my life. He told me that I needed to love my neighbor and spread the word of God to as many people that would hear and need the Gospels and bring them to the light of world; so they could be saved from eternity in hell and instead spend eternity in Paradise. So… that’s exactly what I did I became a brave believe and was telling everybody how one could be saved through Jesus Christ. Since my coworkers were all believers in Jesus, but so as I had thought… it didn’t end up that way. A couple times while at work I had a clairvoyant experience and for all who believe in God know that’s a gift He gives his children who have seen or been through the most of struggles. They say they are believers and they don’t even know anything about one having a clairvoyant experience. I worked for this food chain for about four years and that’s what I get; I get fired and no appreciation from them what so ever.
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