Attention San Francisco and Bay Area Residents! Fight for Clean Air Before it's Too Late

To the people of San Francisco and the Bay Area,

We at Brightline Defense are looking for support for our air quality monitoring program.

Good air quality is essential to our health, well-being, and quality of life. Poor air quality can lead to respiratory problems, heart disease, stroke, and other health issues. It can also harm the environment and exacerbate climate change.

Brightline Defense is an environmental justice non-profit that works to empower communities and create sustainable environments. We strive to promote viable policies that allow low-income residents to remain and work in developing urban communities, focusing on local hiring policies and access to environmental benefits such as solar and energy efficiency.

In March 2020, Brightline Defense began a community-driven air quality monitoring program to observe air quality in San Francisco and the Bay Area. By supporting this program, we can better understand the air quality in our neighborhoods and take steps to improve it. We can also use the data to advocate for policies and practices that promote cleaner air and a healthier environment for everyone.

We urge you to sign this petition to show your support for this important initiative and to encourage others to do the same as the quality of our air is at stake.

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