Urge Congress: Put Puerto Ricans first

Hurricane Maria battered Puerto Rico – leaving homes, families, and communities destroyed in its wake. And weeks after the disaster, Puerto Ricans are still in crisis. Puerto Rico shows us the magnitude of devastation these climate-fueled disasters can cause, which will continue to get worse if we don’t act on climate. In the meantime, we must continue to support the communities that are hit the hardest, especially those that lack the resources to prepare and respond.

But despite the ongoing disaster, Congress has been slow to respond, and even now it is not putting the needs of Puerto Ricans first. So, we must fight to ensure that equity, resiliency, and sustainability are central to Puerto Rico’s recovery and reconstruction.

We must work together to support communities in Puerto Rico and all affected areas on the long road to recovery. Sign the petition now and tell Congress to support Puerto Rico with sustainable solutions!
Dear Member of Congress,

Hurricane Maria highlighted the disproportionate impacts that climate-fueled weather disasters have on communities – hurting especially those that lack the resources to prepare and respond. As Puerto Rico still faces extraordinary damage, we know that communities have a long road to recovery.

Long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts must increase the resiliency of communities in the face of disasters, have the input of local communities, encourage more sustainable sources of energy, and comply with environmental laws and other public health safeguards.

I urge you to quickly bring needed aid to Puerto Rico and work alongside the communities affected by Hurricane Maria to ensure that equity, resiliency, and sustainability are at the core of disaster recovery efforts.

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