Join the Fight to Protect Children from Online Sex Trafficking

Right now, three Washington State girls, ages 13 and 15, are fighting an uphill battle against the website that advertised them multiple times a day for sex work.

The girls, like far too many trafficked children around the United States, had their pictures posted alongside sales pitches about them on, after which they were repeatedly raped by customers.

The website, believed to sell the most online prostitution ads involving children in the country, is denying it has any liability in what happened to these girls. At the same time it accepts money from advertising underage children for sex all while making it easy for traffickers to anonymously post ads and removing sting ads placed by law enforcement.

It's time we start protecting these trafficked girls and others like them—not the websites that are profiting off their backs.

Covenant House has joined as a friend of the court in the lawsuit, putting their full weight behind ending the horrific advertising of trafficked children on Take action today and add your name to the petition to stand in solidarity with these three girls as they work to strike a blow against online child trafficking around the country.
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