Illumination, please don鈥檛 demonise wolves 馃惡 in the future!!! Apologise and cast wolves in a more positive light in future films!!!

Hi 馃憢,
I went to see "The Secret Life of Pets 2". There were some good bits, but one thing I do disagree on is the portrayal of wolves 馃惡 as the villains. This is not right. Wolves already get it bad enough in the stories (the Big Bad Wolf). The stereotype of the Big Bad evil wolf that lurks around wanting to eat children and other people is, for the most part, totally incorrect. While there may have been more wolf 馃惡 attacks on humans in the past, wolves these days generally avoid humans. The chances of you getting attacked by a wolf or wolves 馃惡 are very, very slim.
Wolves 馃惡 have it bad enough in real-life as well. At risk of losing their protections, being gunned down by hunters and farmers, government "culls" and other programmes, opposition to wolves being reintroduced to the UK 馃嚞馃嚙 and trapping are all persecution, opposition and cruelty to wolves 馃惡.
The portrayal of wolves in "The Secret Life of Pets 2" could add further insult to injury. Kids should be taught that stereotypes of animals and people aren't always correct and to be respectful and nice when they can.
Please make up for your negative portrayal of wolves 馃惡!!!!
Thank you 馃槉.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!

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