Ensure Access to Emergency Contraception for Rape Survivors

A 21-year-old student in Florida was raped on a Saturday afternoon. After going to the police and receiving two emergency contraception pills to take 12 hours apart, she was arrested when police discovered she had an outstanding warrant for failing to pay restitution for a theft she committed as a juvenile.

According to news reports, when she was in jail, a jail worker blocked her from taking the second emergency contraception pill allegedly because of a religious objection to birth control. After the fact, the worker who denied this woman contraception returned to work basically unpunished, after only a short paid leave.

Rape is horrific enough, but this type of police response is simply unconscionable. Please act now by signing this petition to your state governor to ensure rape survivors in your state are not denied access to emergency contraception.

This is not the first time something this terrible has happened to a rape survivor. Please insist that rape survivors get access to the resources they need! Sign the petition today.
Dear [governor],

Recently the media reported that a rape survivor in Tampa, Florida was forbidden from taking the required second dose of emergency contraception by a jail worker. This is not the first time a rape survivor has been treated so outrageously, but we must ensure that it doesn't happen to women in our state.

Please create a clear policy forbidding workers in government facilities from denying women access to emergency contraception.

[Your name]
[Your address]
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