Demand the elimination of dangerous cargo from trains going through populated areas.

  • al: Mark Mager
  • destinatario: Canadian Federal Government

Recently there was a train derailment in the province of Quebec, Canada. It carried "light crude" in many of it's containers which exploded in the centre of a little town and engulfed everything, including people, in flames. 47 people died. People living in our towns and cities in the vicinity of rail lines, should be able to live without fear of a train, loaded with dangerous cargo, derailing or exploding in their neighbourhood. It is an outrage that in a wealthy, technologically advanced country like Canada these potentially deadly 19th century railroad practices are still allowed. We have the wealth and all the resources necessary in Canada to install all those rail tracks outside of the towns and cities that they now pass through. My fellow Canadians have to become a little more vocal and engaged to make it loud and clear to our government that we have a right to live free of the fear of an exploding and deadly train passing next to our homes, schools and neighbourhoods.

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