Demand Delyn MP Mr David Hanson pays back profits that he made immediately to the public purse. And for the law to be changed for any MP to hand back any profits made on 2nd homes due to there there to be handed back to the public purse.

    Mr Hanson has been an MP for many years and always put his constituant first but after an investigation by national media his constituency now feels that he should pay back any profits that he has made back into the public purse.

    Please see information below.....Demand that any profits are paid back to the public purse. It is fully legal for profits to be kept but this is immorrally wrong and the law needs to be changed.
    David George Hanson MP for Delyn is a British Labour Party politician, who has been the Member of Parliament for Delyn since 1992. He was the Minister of State for Security, Counter-Terrorism, Crime and Policing from 2009 to 2010. From 11 May 2010 he has been the shadow police and justice minister and also Shadow Treasury Minister.

    What Mr David Hanson claimed

    David Hanson - Delyn MP: 1992-present Bought property July 1998 for £85,000, sold in February 2007 for £239,950 - profit £154,950Bought property February 2007 for £490,000, sold in November 2011 for £570,000 - profit £80,000 - total profit from second home sales £234,950Claimed at least £69,000 in mortgage interest payments
    Also claimed more than £7000 in legal fees, stamp duty and land registry fees.
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