Unite as One Family

If you agree with this petition, please take your action a step further and join us at www.imagine1.org (www.imagine1.org/join.html)!
In this ever-shrinking world, it's time that we learn to come together.  
We want to create connections between you and people everywhere, aimed at inspiring all to see we are all the same at so many basic levels. We want to help everyone begin celebrating the potential for human unity. We want all to focus on what they share in common with others, to move beyond simply tolerating diversity, to adopt an entirely new mindset towards diversity, where we explore and embrace our differences. 

It's time we realize that beyond everything, we are all united as mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, and grandchildren by one human race. 
Join us in our attempt to build One Family at www.imagine1.org (coming February 12, 2012)!
You can also visit our YouTube page: http://www.youtube.com/user/Imagine1Tube to view and share examples of One Family in your life, or friend Fam Ily OfOne (https://www.facebook.com/Imagine1.org) on Facebook!  
Dear Mindset, 
As much as we love the way that you came to be, with careful analysis over time based on nature and nurture, we are ready to start anew.  You have gotten us through some tough times and have always been an evolving constant in our lives, but we are ready to let go of the fear.  With each moment of darkness, you helped us create a wall, a wall that protected us and created strength to move forward.  However, those days are behind us, and we can not let the fear and anger of yesterday prevent us from creating a beautiful world of One for our children's future.  
Today is the day we want to look you in the eye and say we are strong, strong enough to love without fear, smile without hesitation, and exist as One Family without anger. Today we are ready to reconsider our actions, to second guess our negativity, and to act on the instincts of our hearts.  Today, we are no longer an "I" or "me," but instead accept our existence as something more: as a part of a collective One.  Today, we are going to take action to make our belief a reality.  Today, we are going to start with simple steps, like sharing a cab, but covering the cost, with a stranger in need or smiling at and even conversing with the doorman who we typically overlook.  Today, and every day forward, begins the movement of One, back to One. 
Yet, we aren't ready to part with you, dear mindset, but rather, we ask that you join us in our journey!  We want you to ride along side us in each step of the way.  We want you to continue to feed us strength. We want you to still be the constant in our lives. But, we also want you to let go of the fear that has consumed you and, thus, us. And as soon as we can move beyond the preconceived notions of anger and fear and negativity in this world, we can open our hearts and our minds to the beauty that is. The beauty of One Family. Come home. 
Warmly,Your Heart
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