Please remove the group Soldiers are not Heroes

  • al: We the People
  • destinatario: facebook, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard, Military, Government

We the undersigned are asking facebook to please remove the group Soldiers are not Heroes. Some folks at have created a group called SOLDIERS ARE NOT HEROES. After this group was created, there was another group created named PETITION to REMOVE the group Soldiers are not heroes. We the People realize that Freedom of Speech is VERY IMPORTANT but, when this turns into HATE and could very well endanger the lives of either side, We the People believe this group MUST BE SHUTDOWN! There has been MANY hate messages sent to people on both sides and even include pregnant women of active Military wives! One such woman is receiving hate messages and phone calls! We the People realize that there is no such thing as a perfect Government but we also realize that it is NOT the fault of the Soldier! We also realize that some Soldiers are not honorable people; however, the MAJORITY of the soldiers are Good People and should not be treated as bad soldiers because of a few bad soldiers. We the People believe this group should be shutdown before somebody does get hurt, physically or mentally. Again, We the People emphasize that we uphold the Freedom of Speech as declared by the Constitution, even up to and including our death if need be. This however does NOT give the right for people to slander our or any Soldiers that believe they are doing what is right in their minds. We the People are asking that please shutdown this group,

Thank you,

The undersigned,

We the undersigned are asking facebook to please remove the group "Soldiers are not Heroes". Some folks at have created a "group" called SOLDIERS ARE NOT HEROES. After this group was created, there was another group created named "PETITION to REMOVE the group Soldiers are not heroes". We the People realize that Freedom of Speech is VERY IMPORTANT but, when this turns into HATE and could very well endanger the lives of either side, We the People believe this group MUST BE SHUTDOWN! There has been MANY hate messages sent to people on both sides and even include pregnant women of active Military wives! One such woman is receiving hate messages and phone calls! We the People realize that there is no such thing as a perfect Government but we also realize that it is NOT the fault of the Soldier! We also realize that some Soldiers are not honorable people; however, the MAJORITY of the soldiers are Good People and should not be treated as bad soldiers because of a few bad soldiers. We the People believe this group should be shutdown before somebody does get hurt, physically or mentally. Again, We the People emphasize that we uphold the Freedom of Speech as declared by the Constitution, even up to and including our death if need be. This however does NOT give the right for people to slander our or any Soldiers that believe they are doing what is right in their minds. We the People are asking that please shutdown this group,

Thank you,

The undersigned,

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