Anime Stitch in the US

Disney's Anime "Stitch!" series to air in the United States?

Dear Disney Executives,

For the past several months, rumors have been circulating that the Disney Channel in America will air the Lilo and Stitch themed anime "Stitch!" as part of it's 2009 programming.

These rumors have circulated on websites, blogs, chatrooms, and even on the Save Lilo & Stitch website and forums.

Lately, several user videos have been uploaded on the Youtube video hosting site depicting ads purporting to be ads for Disney's 2009 programming lineup, and "Stitch!" is shown to be one of those programs on the block.

Yet, no official announcement has come forth from either Disney Channel or the Disney website regarding this.

We, the undersigned, ask that Disney make some sort of announcement regarding these rumors.  We respectfully request that Disney post either an announcement on it's website or make an announcement on the Disney Channel. If no official announcement can be made, we would like the show to be aired on the Disney Channel in the United States, as many fans of the series and the franchise in the US desperately want it to be shown here.

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