Hey DNC: Count Every Vote!

The Democratic National Committee has decided that the "first in the nation" status of New Hampshire and Iowa trumps participatory democracy, and is disenfranchising the voters of Florida and Michigan.

Voters in Florida and Michigan are being unfairly punished for wanting to have a voice in selecting our party's candidate for president. By refusing to seat these delegates, our party is shutting out almost one in ten Democratic voters from the primary process. This situation is unacceptable.

Tell Chairman Howard Dean and the DNC to stop behaving like the Bush campaign of 2000 and start empowering voters for change in 2008. Make every vote count, and let the people of Florida and Michigan have a voice!
I am outraged that our party is refusing to seat delegates from Florida and Michigan. Voters in this state, like voters around the country, simply want to have a real say in choosing our party%u2019s candidate for president rather than rubber stamping the choice of a few in the early voting states.

I urge you to reconsider your decision and seat all delegates from all states at this year%u2019s convention. This election is so important for all of us, and we all deserve a voice!
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