Puppy Mill in Action - PLEASE WATCH VIDEO !!

Several years ago, we lost our precious little yorkie (pictured), who died after being exposed to a puppy we bought from the woman in the video below. We were so naive! We believed that a "vet health card" meant the pup was healthy and bought him. No - the health card was fake, the signature fraudulent. We brought the little pup home to our little guy, along with various different parasites and diseases that, under vet care, took the lives of both pups. We involved the ASPCA to no avail.

It was a TERRIBLE experience!! Yet I still see her advertising many more puppies.

PLEASE copy the address below into your web browser and watch the video. This woman has made a fortune by selling unhealthy puppies over a period of many years. She has left a wake of victims across Canada!! If you do not like what you see, PLEASE DO SOMETHING TO HELP THESE POOR DOGS.


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