Romney: Stop Aiding Anti-LGBT Discrimination

Only two weeks after Romney said that he opposed discrimination against LGBT Americans, his tax returns reveal a different story. The Republican presidential hopeful donated at least $35,000 to the Massachusetts Family Institute and the Becket Fund for Religious Liberties, as well as $4 million to the Mormon Church--all three organizations are notorious for their anti-LGBT discrimination.

The Massachusetts Family Institute is a vocal opponent of marriage equality, believes sexual orientation can be "cured," and has worked against gay-straight alliances and other programs designed to make schools safer for LGBT students.

The Becket Fund is also vehemently opposed to marriage equality and has compared pro-equality activists to Al-Qaeda terrorists.

Act now to tell Romney that if he really opposes discrimination against LGBT Americans, he'll put his money where his mouth is by donating at least as much money to organizations that work against LGBT discrimination.
We the undersigned ask you to make good on your statement that you oppose discrimination against LGBT Americans by discontinuing your donations to organizations notorious for their anti-LGBT discrimination. Your tax returns reveal significant donations to the Massachusetts Family Institute, the Becket Fund for Religious Liberties, and the Mormon Church, all of which have endorsed discrimination against LGBT Americans. If you truly oppose such discrimination, we urge you to make reparations by donating at least as much money to organizations that work against LGBT discrimination. 
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