Save People, Wildlife & the Boreal Forest

  • al: Louise Bristow, RN
  • destinatario: Prime Minister Stephen Harper & President George W. Bush
We the undersigned ask you to consider the Public Health and Environmental issues facing people, wildlife and the Boreal Forest in ALBERTA, CANADA. 

TAR SANDS OIL, a mixture of sand, clay & bitumin (an asphalt like substance in both texture and smell), is one of the Dirtiest Oils & Extraction one of the most Environmentally Destructive.


The Tar Sands is the largest source of U.S. oil. The residents are facing a Public Health crisis, as well as a devastating Environmental crisis. Does oil come before humans, wildlife & the Boreal Forest? That is the question to be answered!

Please sign the petition to have both countries engage in efforts to stop the Public Health and Environmental catastrophy.

Give help to the Helpless! Contact Political Representatives.
Prime Mister Stephen Harper & President George W. Bush
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