Vanessa Hudgens as Leah Clearwater in New Moon? I vote NO WAYY!!!

  • al: twilighter4life
  • destinatario: get someone else to play leah, and not a disney star!!!
It has been rumored that the two top contenders for the part of Leah Clearwater in New Moon are 2 Disney stars: Vanessa Hudgens and Brenda Song. I think these are two AWFUL picks for Leah. First of all, Vanessa Hudgens already had her star moment: in all the HSM movies. Give someone else a chance! Second of all, I highly doubt her ability to play a serious part such as Leah's. And Brenda Song? She's Thai/Chinese while Leah is Native American. And as a HUGE Twilight fan, I say we gotta stay true to the book. Please sign this petition and HELP!!!!!
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