• al: Leiah Sariell
  • destinatario: Finnish Animal Protection Societies Association

Lynx is the only wild ”big cat” we have in the woods. It is very shy and affraid of humans. Lynx try to avoid people always and what you can see is the footprints, accidently the Lynx itself. In the fact Lynx is not so big compared with the big cats all around the world.

There are only about 700 animals in whole Finland and there could be more because it is not threath for people...not children either. The lynx is totally protected and hard sanctions if someone kill or anyway harm it.

Lynx is also an animal which comes from Russia without this may be blessing for finnish ynx which is same than Euraasian Lynx.

Lynx is living alone like cats usually do exept the rutting-time.

Brown Hare and the Mountain Hare are the usual food for them.

Copyright Leiah Sariell

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