Opposition to Tuolumne County Lake Noise Ordinance

Tuolumne Board of Supervisors is having a hearing on August 17, 2010 regarding a new noise ordinance for the seven surrounding lakes in Tuolumne County including Calaveras County's Lake Tulloch and New Melones Reservoir which shares borders with Tuolumne County. This noise ordinance would entail boats to keep their music from being heard over 100 feet. As you all know, sound travels very fast on water. You can hear people talking well over 100 feet let alone music. Please help us by signing this petition to keep the noise ordinance from passing! Let's not give law enforcement another reason to harass and discriminate. Thank you!

Opposition to County Lake Noise Ordinance Proposed for Tuolumne County

To: Toulumne County Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Elizabeth Bass

Supervisor Paolo Maffei

Supervisor Teri Murrison

Supervisor John Gray

Supervisor Dick Pland


Dear Board of Supervisors:

We the undersigned oppose the Lake Noise Ordinance proposed by Tuolumne County.

Currently there are a number of Local and State ordinances that apply to noise and boisterous behavior on the lake.  Enforcement of existing laws should always be considered before enacting new rules and regulations that will be costly for the taxpayer and just as unlikely to be enforced.

The county of Tuolumne has failed to provide any documentation substantiating the need for this ordinance.  Repeated attempts to obtain records supporting their position have been met with stonewalling.  The logical conclusion is that there is no supporting documentation for this ordinance.

Until such time Tuolumne County can provide its' constituents with solid evidence of a real problem with real consequences this ordinance should be tabled. 




We the Undersigned

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