Dead Animals' Body Parts Found at Private Zoo. Shut This Zoo Down!

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Virginia authorities, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
January 2024 Update: Authorities ordered the zoo to send 57 of the animals to shelters or humane societies, which was great news. However, they also decided to return 39 of the animals they previous rescued from Natural Bridge Zoo back to this horrific facility. How could they possibly trust this zoo with these animals' wellbeing? Sign the petition to voice your opposition and demand all animals are sent to reputable sanctuaries instead!


A private zoo in Virginia stands accused of abusing and neglecting dozens of animals to the point of death - and then leaving their body parts around the facilities.

Authorities searched Natural Bridge Zoo's property recently and discovered an atrocious situation. Habitats were "filthy" and lacked sufficient food or water to adequately care for the animals. So it should be no surprise that many animals didn't survive.

There's no way this zoo should be allowed to remain open. Authorities must shut down the Natural Bridge Zoo in Virginia!

The dead animals at the zoo included a white Bengal tiger that the zoo had euthanized, a monkey, a lemur, a llama, mandrill, alligator, Burmese python, five cranes, and seven servals. But that didn't even include the body parts.

Officials found several zebra legs and a zebra pelt, a giraffe's head, giraffe skin, two tails, three legs, five bags of "frozen giraffe feces," the pelt of a bongo, and a mandrill's head. There were also specimens preserved in several jars on site.

For the animals that remained alive, their lives were pure misery. One staff member shared that Asha the elephant spent her nights chained inside a ramshackle barn, often both sleeping and standing in her own urine. During the day, she was forced to give rides to hundreds of visitors. On one day in particular, documents show the zoo made Asha carry 191 different guests.

Authorities are continuing to investigate Natural Bridge Zoo, but a few things are already clear: this zoo should not remain open, and its owners should never be allowed to work with animals ever again.

Sign the petition to demand Virginia officials and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) shut down Natural Bridge Zoo and ban its owners from working with animals in the future!
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