Revitalizing the Heart of Cortez Colorado

    A new vision for the Rec center.

    It is important to address the concerns raised by locals of Cortez and surrounding areas of the complaints made on Facebook and Google reviews. Despite being a well-maintained facility, the potential for improvement is evident, especially in terms of management and staff engagement.
    The dissatisfaction expressed by members of our community highlights the need for positive staff changes that will enhance the overall experience welcoming back those who have been turned away for lack of friendly, helpful staff, and make the rec center thrive once again for the children to retired people and everyone in between.
    I, Paul Phykitt, am willing to take on that task. I have owned and operated 3 companies for over 30 years. I see the potential for this amazing building and you the community.

    Please sign this petition if you or anyone you've known, has left because of these issues and want to see positive changes.
    firma la petición
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