Keep Mountain Lions From Being Hunted in Nebraska

Despite having only a small hand-full of lions, last year the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission authorized that state's first ever sport hunting season on mountain lions. Starting with an estimated population of only 22 animals, at least 16 of these rare cats had been killed by the end of the year.

While there will be no mountain lion hunt in 2015, lions are still listed in Nebraska as "game animals" and as soon as the public's attention has been diverted another lion hunting season is sure to follow.

Help keep what few lions remain in Nebraska safe by supporting the efforts of State Senator Ernie Chambers to remove the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission's authority to allow recreational lion hunting in Nebraska.

Please show your support for Nebraska's lions and help save a precious wildlife resource by signing this petition today!

For more information, visit

TO: Nebraska Legislature

We support Senator Ernie Chambers' efforts to keep mountain lions from being hunted in Nebraska.  Please pass his bill to remove the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission's authority to allow recreational lion hunting in the state.

Thank you!

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