Stop Whaling!

Despite the fact that the International Whaling Commission (IWC) has maintained a moratorium on commercial whaling since 1986, three nations continue to hunt whales. Iceland and Norway openly engage in commercial whaling, citing legal objections to the IWC's moratorium. Japan exploits a loophole in the IWC ban that allows whales to be killed for so-called scientific purposes. DNA testing has proven that whale meat from these so-called scientific studies is sold commercially. We encourage you to get involved! Please sign this petition to show your support to stop whaling globally.

We the undersigned urge the United States government to take a strong stand against commercial whaling, including the ongoing whaling conducted by Iceland and Norway in violation of the International Whaling Commission's 1986 worldwide moratorium on whaling, and the whaling conducted by Japan under the deceitful guise of so-called scientific whaling.

Given the many threats faced by whale populations around the world, we call upon the United States to promote international cooperation for the protection and conservation of whales and to provide ongoing support of the International Whaling Commission's ban on commercial whaling. We also urge the United States to take diplomatic measures, including sanctions if necessary, to end commercial and scientific whaling operations.

Thank you for your time and assistance on behalf of whales worldwide.

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