Justice for bailey who was murdered in front of it's caretaker

  • al: Christine Cart
  • destinatario: The man that killed an innocent dog.

On Saturday July 23 2022.. the owners of Bailey a young mixed breed dog were out of town and a care taker came to let her out to do her business, she slipped her collar and ran into the neighbors property as the caretaker ran just behind her trying to catch her, the neighbor shot her in front of the young man, while Bailey run screaming in pain the monster that shot her went into his house not even offering to help…while Bailey lie dying in pain. The caretaker was a young man and was very traumitized. The local police, Orwell Ohio Police dept was called. They took pictures but nothing has been done so far for him discharging a firearm within city limits or has anything been done for his horrible act. Demand he be charged with every possible charge available for Killing an innocent pet. The owners are very traumitized. Tell the Village of Orwell, Ohio Police and the mayor of that town to charge this man with everything possible to get justice for bailey and to prevent another horrifying incident from happening in that town.

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