Thank This Hero For Standing Up To Big Oil!

  • al: Eric Rardin
  • destinatario: U.S. Chief Magistrate Judge Ronald E. Bush

This awesome judge stopped Big Oil from exploiting almost a million acres of federal land without public input.

Add your name if you want to send him a powerful message of gratitude, for all the wonderful work he has done!

"A federal judge in Idaho has voided nearly 1 million acres of oil and gas leases on federal lands in the West, saying that a Trump administration policy that limited public input on those leases was "arbitrary and capricious".

"The ruling Thursday by U.S. Chief Magistrate Judge Ronald E. Bush represented a win for environmentalists, who challenged the leasing policy as part of a broader effort to block drilling in habitat for the imperiled greater sage-grouse. The contested area spans 67 million acres across 11 Western states," according to the Washington Post.

Wow, what a hero!

They added: "Drew Caputo, an attorney for the environmental group Earthjustice, said in an email that administration officials "almost treat the public like an inconvenience that might slow down or get in the way of them passing out special interest favors to their friends in industry.

"That's anti-democratic, and it shows what they really think about the public. It's also illegal, which is one of the reasons they keep losing environmental cases in court."

You know that it's brave people like U.S. Chief Magistrate Judge Ronald E. Bush, who aren't afraid to stand up to them, that we have to thank for this.

""The court wasn't fooled by the agency's efforts to disguise its intention to provide greater influence to extractive energies, and the sage grouse and 350 other sagebrush-dependent species will benefit from today's win," Talasi Brooks, a staff attorney with Western Watersheds Project, said in a statement," continued the same source.

At least 350 species will benefit from this! Isn't that wonderful?

Not to mention all the humans who love America's majestic wilderness.

This judge is a true life hero, don't you think?

And don't you want to send him a HUGE message of thanks, letting him know how much we appreciate all the work he's doing to protect the environment and our wildlife?

Then add your name to be included when we send this petition to U.S. Chief Magistrate Judge Ronald E. Bush, along with our deepest gratitude for the work he has done to take a stand against corrupt industry exploiting federal land!

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