Protect Grizzly Bears from Ski Resort Development

"Jumbo Glacier Resort plans on building a massive ski resort in British Columbia, Canada that could attract between 2,000 to 3,000 tourists a day. The size and location of the resort will significantly threaten the grizzly bear population in the Purcell Mountain range. The British Columbia government must examine new scientific studies and revoke Jumbo Glacier Resort’s construction permit.

The ski company was originally granted a construction permit based on a 15-year-old study that claimed the grizzly bear population is currently stable and construction would have little effect on the bears. However, the most recent estimates of the bear population in the Central Purcell Mountains are considerably lower. According to two ecological reports, grizzly populations are about 50 percent smaller than previously estimated in the 15-year-old study. Michael Proctor, one of Canada’s leading grizzly bear experts, states that ‘ski areas are not generally bad for grizzly bears; it’s the location of this one.’

Please help urge British Columbia Premier, Christy Clark, to revoke Jumbo Glacier Resort’s permit to build a ski resort in the Purcell Mountain range."


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