Urge the Belize Government to Protect the Maya Forest Corridor Now

  • al: Judson Wynne
  • destinatario: Creation of largest protected area in Central America

Protection of an approximate 124 square mile area, known as the Maya Forest Corridor, would result in the creation of the largest rainforest preserve north of the Amazon.

To the north is La Selva Maya Reserve (in Guatemala, Mexico, and Belize) and to the south the Maya Mountains of Belize -- in between is the proposed Maya Forest Corridor. If the Belizean government approves the proposal, an area nearly 60 thousand square miles will be protected becoming a haven for threatened and endangered species including the jaguar, the Central American river turtle and spider monkey, and Baird's tapir. The corridor will also provide sustainable opportunities to local communities, and will benefit the planet by serving as a "carbon sink" -- by potentially reducing human-produced carbon emissions.

By signing this petition, you can help urge the Belizean government to continue to be a global leader in conservation, and preserve the Maya Forest Corridor.

For more information, go to: https://news.mongabay.com/2021/05/belizes-maya-forest-corridor-a-missing-link-to-giant-rainforest-preserve-commentary/

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