Should we be financially compensated for the loss of our Badgers due to the UK Cull on them ?

  • al: Jan Donovan
  • destinatario: Prime Minister David Cameron

Badgers are part of our wildlife in the UK, many get pleasure by seeing them , but our  government want to wipe out 70% of them, this is causing great stress to animal/wildlife lovers throughout the UK. Some actually run a business of wildlife watching and they're income will be affected too.Please sign If you agree that we should get finacial compensation for the stress being caused and the fact that scientific evidence says a cull on Badgers will NOT stop the spread of BTB in cattle. You can also tweet  PM David Cameron @Number10gov   and or email him through this link  and you could ask him for financial compensation . Please share this petition with friends and family , the more people who take part the better and hopefully we will save our Badgers. Time is short so it's very Urgent now ! Thank you .

Dear Primeminister David Cameron,

We get great pleasure from seeing our wildlife and ask for financial compensation for the loss of our Badgers and the stress caused to us. 

Yours Sincerely. 

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