Hold Claremont Police Chief Mark Chase Accountable For Negligence Of Duty

A young 8 year old, biracial child was lynched and nearly killed by a group of young teens. When asked for his input on the case, he responded with, "We have to protect them (the lynchers), we don't one innocent mistake to haunt these kids for the rest of their lives." He did not approach this matter with care for the young child that nearly died, he simply adopted a "boys will be boys" kind of attitude. This is a spit in the face of children who are supposed to look up to an officer and think that they will be safe. This matter has only one solution: Fire him, strip him of his pension, and make sure this racist bigot never gets another position of authority anywhere ever again. I call on everyone who is a kind hearted individual, who cares about a child's well being, to stand with me in solidarity and say with one voice, "We shall not stand idly by as a child is nearly murdered and watch a public servant act like its no big deal. Mark Chase, YOU'RE FIRED!"
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