Stop STRAY DOG for RICE in Yunlin, Taiwan!

  • al: Philippe Lin
  • destinatario: Governor of Gukeng township, Yunlin, Taiwan

A small town in Taiwan initiated "STRAY DOG for RICE" policy in response to the emerging rabies.

Town government encourages people to seize stray dogs.
1 DOG / 1 CAT = 3kg of RICE.

Captured dogs are euthanized after 12 days of grace.
Some people even break into citizen's houses and capture PET dogs.

We need to stop the polity now!

一隻狗(或貓)換 5 斤米,引起許多鄉民濫抓流浪貓狗,甚至還有人意圖入侵民宅,偷狗換米。


(照片由王春金拍攝.  Photo courtesy of 王春金) 

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