Save Major! ANOTHER victim of Breed Specific Legislation!!

James, my friend on Facebook, bought his dog, Major, over a year ago. James was suffering with really bad Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after serving four years in the Army, and was getting really bad attacks of it every day. But when he got Major they seemed to stop.

Major was James' cure - so soft and gentle and loving - and now that the authorities have seized Major, James feels totally dead. Not even the army is willing to help them! Unfortunately, James had to leave the Army due to injury and since Major's been seized the P.T.S.D. has exploded again!

PLEASE sign my petition to help bring Major home! And share, share, share! James needs Major and vice versa. We HAVE to get rid of this unjust law called Breed Specific Legislation! Thanks in advance xx

Thanks so much for signing, now PLEASE share and tweet xx
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