Kacena Real Estate Management breaking rules

    Hello, I am starting a petition to take to court on Kacena Real Estate Management. I was con into signing a yr lease ( I was in month to month )after they bought the current property. I am currently renting and thought they were just my property managment.they told me after taking my rent for 8 months in order for them to fix everything that is wrong I had to sign a yr lease but it has been 6 months and they still have not fixed and also have added extra payments on my account for utility bills that do not belong to me and account numbers do not match mine I have asked for 3 months on what they are and they wil not give me a explination and broke the agremment we had upon lease signing . I am curently leaving my place due to this and they are now trying to charge me other outrageous charges when they posted my place for rent 7 months prior to lease being up and have already started showing it.my mom is ill I decided to move closer to her and told the in 3 months advance so the ones looking can move in sooner sincle they are already showing my place 7 months before the lease is up . If you have rented from them and also experianced unjustified issues please sign thank you
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