No more kidnapping kids through CPS with no probable cause and no current evidence with police

  • al: Abba Alexander
  • destinatario: I want to petition to the President and the California mayor that are 4th amendment rights are taken away as grandparents.Also, we are against action being due with twisted words and false allegations to young adults with children.

Do you as an American citizen want your fourth amendment right to be taken without any probable cause. Many Americans are witness to how CPS uses child as a cash cow to take the rights from the parents to try to have legal custody over their own kid. There are so cases that really need to help the child but often times it is finally look as child slavery to get financial gain. Please try to sign this petition and friends to stop Child Protective Services taking children out of their home with no probable cause and warrant. Also, another violation is when child protective services tape your conversation intention to degrade ones character to be able to kidnap a child with no problem. Many of the CPS's are partnered together to work against the victims and the judge only says get a lawyer to settle you out of court. What happen to pain and suffering with this kind of legal system.

Do you as an American citizen want your fourth amendment right to be taken without any probable cause. Many Americans are witness to how CPS uses child as a cash cow to take the rights from the parents to try to have legal custody over their own kid. There are so cases that really need to help the child but often times it is finally look as child slavery to get financial gain. Please try to sign this petition and friends to stop Child Protective Services taking children out of their home with no probable cause and warrant. Also, another violation is when child protective services tape your conversation intention to degrade ones character to be able to kidnap a child with no problem. Many of the CPS's are partnered together to work against the victims and the judge only says get a lawyer to settle you out of court. What happen to pain and suffering with this kind of legal system.

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