Please SAVE the forgotten children of Romania. (Va rog SALVATI copiii uitati ai Romaniei)

  • al: Daniela Teodora Seucan
  • destinatario: Rovana Plumb - Minister of Work, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Ministry

Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.” (Martin Luther King Jr.)

"Infants and young children expect an environment in which they are going to interact and receive nurturance, not only food," says Nathan Fox (child development researcher at the University of Maryland) who conducted a 13 year study in Romanian orphanages. Not only that the psychological needs of this children are not met but the physiological needs aren't either. They are physical and verbal abused and they are never picked up from their beds. They sleep 2 in one bad, regardless the sex or age, and half of the children of school age are not enrolled in the educational system.

“Children are raised in an Spartan environment, where they are forced to stare for hours at a white wall, they are obliged to observe a very strict schedule and the lack of affection shown by those who take care of them is really shocking”, wrote sociologist Charles Nelson from Harvard University, in his report who concluded a 13 years study about Romanian orphans.

Call to action: Institutionalization in early childhood can alter a child's brain, affection and behavior in the long run. Fortunately, early intervention can diminish these negative effects.

Please sign this petition in order to increase the number of well trained caregivers so this children will benefit from an appropriate emotional and behavioral development.

Niciodata, niciodata sa nu-ti fie frica sa faci ceea ce este corect, mai ales atunci cand starea de bine a unei persoane sau a unui animal este in joc. Pedepsele societatii sunt mici in comparatie cu ranile pe care le cauzam sufletului nostru atunci cand ne facem ca nu vedem.” (Martin Luther King Jr.)

“Copiii sunt crescuti intr-un mediu spartan, unde sunt fortati sa se holbeze ore in sir la perete, sunt obligati sa respecte un program foarte sever si lipsa afectiei din partea celor care au grija de ei este de-a dreptul socanta”, scrie sociologul Charles Nelson de la Universitatea Harvard, in raportul lui care incheie studiul de 13 ani despre orfanii romani.

Apel de urgenta: Institutionalizarea la o varsta frageda modifica creierul copilului si comportamentul acestuia pe termen lung. Din fericire, interventia timpurie poate diminua aceste efecte negative.

Te rog semneaza aceasta petitie pentru a creste numarul de asistenti maternali bine pregatiti profesional astfel incat acesti copii sa beneficieze de o dezvoltare emotionala si comportamentala optima.

"Infants and young children expect an environment in which they are going to interact and receive nurturance, not only food, but psychological nurturance, from adult caregivers," says Nathan Fox (child development researcher at the University of Maryland) who conducted a 13 year study in Romanian orphanages.

Not only that the psychological needs of this children are not met but the physiological needs aren't either. They are physical and verbal abused and they are never picked up from their beds. They sleep 2 in one bad, regardless the sex or age, and half of the children of school age are not enrolled in the educational system.

“Children are raised in an Spartan environment, where they are forced to stare for hours at a white wall, they are obliged to observe a very strict schedule and the lack of affection shown by those who take care of them is really shocking”, wrote sociologist Charles Nelson from Harvard University, in his report about Romanian orphans.

The study reveals that this orphans have lower IQ, emotional and behavioral problems and three out of every ten children try to commit suicide or flee from these placement centers.

Call to action: Institutionalization in early childhood can alter a child's brain and behavior in the long run. Fortunately, early intervention can diminish these negative effects.

Please sign this petition in order to increase the number of well trained caregivers so this children will benefit from an appropriate emotional and behavioral development.

Romanian translation:

Bebelusii si copiii mici se asteapta la un mediu in care sa interactioneze si sa fie ingrijiti, nu doar sa primeasca mancare ci sa le fie oferita o ingrijire psihologica de catre adultii care ii au in grija,” afirma Nathan Fox ( cercetator al catedrei de dezvoltare a copilului de la Universitatea din Maryland) care a condus un studiu pe parcursul a 13 ani in orfelinatele din Romania.

Nu numai ca nevoile psihologice ale acestor copii nu sunt satisfacute dar nici nevoile fizice nu sunt luate in seama. Sunt abuzati fizic si verbal si nu sunt luati in brate din pauturile lor. Dorm cate doi intr-un pat, indiferent de varsta sau sex, si jumatate din copiii cu varsta de scoala nu sunt inscrisi in sistemul educational.

“Copiii sunt crescuti intr-un mediu spartan, unde sunt fortati sa se holbeze ore in sir la perete, sunt obligati sa respecte un program foarte sever si lipsa afectiei din partea celor care au grija de ei este de-a dreptul socanta”, scrie sociologul Charles Nelson de la Universitatea Harvard, in raportul lui despre orfanii romani.

Studiul arata ca orfanii au un coeficient de inteligenta scazut, au probleme emotionale si comportamentale si trei din zece copii incearca sa se sinucida sau sa fuga din aceste centre de plasament.

Apel de urgenta: Institutionalizarea la o varsta frageda modifica creierul copilului si comportamentul acestuia pe termen lung. Din fericire, interventia timpurie poate diminua aceste efecte negative.

Te rog semneaza aceasta petitie pentru a creste numarul de asistenti maternali bine pregatiti profesional astfel incat acesti copii sa beneficieze de o dezvoltare emotionala si comportamentala optima.

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