Google "9/11 Nuke Aftermath" -- Google "TRUMP is a CHILD RAPIST"

Health Officials: Number of 9/11-Linked Cancer Diagnoses Triples ... Nearly 10,000 first responders and local residents have now been diagnosed with cancers linked to the nuking of the WTC on 9/11. -- 

Donald Trump = 9/11 cover-up conspirator.

The new FBI director will be Jeffrey Epstein.

How come Wikileaks never exposed Donald Trump's pedophile ties?

"I am quite sure that the intelligence community has pictures of Donald Trump raping a child"

KatieGate - BREAKING: Trey Gowdy To PROSECUTE Donald Trump For Child Rape!

If I'm Trump and thoroughly convinced of my own innocence, the first thing I'm going to do is call for polygraph tests all around. I'll take one myself first then I'll challenge my accusers to do likewise. Let's see who's really telling the truth.

PizzaGate Is an Orchestrated Distraction from Trump's Involvement in Pedophilia.

Pedophiles would be subject to complete control by blackmail and should not be anywhere near government, unless it's a government prison.

Dr. Phil Reveals Polygraph Results for Donald Trump ... TRUMP is a CHILD RAPIST

RussiaGate Is an Orchestrated Distraction from Trump's Involvement in Pedophilia.

Watch this video

122 Reasons Why I Am a No-Planer

If George Herbert Walker Bush had never been born, JFK would not have been assassinated and the attack on the World Trade Center would never have occurred. --- Everyone needs to learn that 9/11 was the American regime nuking its own largest city, and it created the China Syndrome which then poisoned thousands of responders and millions of NY residents. --- American courts need 'lie detectors' - American courts must be fitted with polygraphs in order to ensure that the truth is always established in the courtroom.

President Kennedy was killed by the driver of his car, his name was William Greer ---

Sandy Hook conspiracy

Fiu To You: As soon as anyone starts talking about hijackers, I stop listening. The only people involved with 9/11, live right in America. It's the only way anybody could do something like this attack. This was done from high up, and carried out by what I call 'robots', who do anything that they're told, even if it means killing American citizens. That's the real sickness, and the people involved are just sitting back and counting their BIG bucks. 9/11 was a 100% inside job!!! There's NO OTHER WAY IT COULD HAVE HAPPENED!!!!!

Loretta Lynch, polygraph test. -- Dr. Phil Reveals Polygraph Results for Loretta Lynch ...

Barack Obama, polygraph test. -- Dr. Phil Reveals Polygraph Results for Barack Obama ...

What is it like when Donald Trump ties you up and rapes you, when you are a 13-year-old virgin? Then, he threatens to murder you and your family if you ever talk? Ask Katie Johnson, now age 35.

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl ... 'Truthful' Donald Trump cleared by polygraph test - Trump had no comment, saying the results spoke for themselves. Polygraph test administered by Jeffrey Epstein.

Trump Praises Putin: 'I Always Knew We Were Both Pedophiles!'

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Dr. Phil Reveals Polygraph Results for Ricky Dearman ...
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Google "James Comey, polygraph test"
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Mark Richards, polygraph test. -- Mark Richards is in prison in Vacaville framed for a murder he did not commit.
Actualizar #2hace 8 años
Under secret Presidential Order, signed by President Jimmy Carter
Actualizar #1hace 8 años
while Bush Sr. sodomizes and tortures the kid to death
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