Meet Lenny, the Akita. Lenny was on a week's trial at a new home with a view to rehoming him. This was because of a potential house move.

The police have now seized Lenny under Section 3 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 due to an allegation of an attack on a 2 year old girl. Lenny previously lived with 4 children and has NEVER put a foot wrong at home or when in Suzanne & Jamie's, his owner's, control. Just look at the picture! They are DEVASTATED and have cancelled their house move and just want Lenny back home.

PLEASE sign and share this petition. Let's get him home as soon as possible.

If you would like to join Lenny's Facebook group, please do.  This is the group name and link: 

Lovely Lenny seized under sec 3 DDA (Supported by BSLVSUK)


Thanks in advance.

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