JUSTICE FOR DEXTER, the sweet rescue dog decapitated by his adopter

    Dexter was adopted from Pinellas County Animal Services by 66-year-old Domingo R. Rodriguez on May 10. He was discovered floating in the Ft. Desoto mangrove with his head cut off. Using a microchip, deputies identified the dog as a 4-year-old male bulldog mix named Dexter.
    Rodiguez told deputies that the dog ran away that night. In addition, he "admitted to traveling to Fort Desoto Park on May 11, 2024, and provided deputies with several inconsistent statements," authorities said. Bags were found in his home similar to the bag Dexter was in.
    Volunteers that knew Dexter are devasted. They said he was so loving, he only wanted to be in your lap.
    We want the maximum sentence for Dexter's killer!
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