Tell Canada- Stop Illegal Wolf Killing "Contest"

  • al: Animal Advocates
  • destinatario: The Honourable Christy Clark, Premier of British Columbia

The lottery style scheme to kill wolves is being supported by the British Columbia government when it appears to be in violation of section 206 and 207 of the Criminal Code of Canada.

The contest, offering prizes that include $1,000 for the largest wolf killed and $150 for the smallest, with a maximum of three dead wolves per contestant, requires a licence from the provincial government in order to be legal.

Unlimited, unregulated and unlicencened open season killing of wolves without mandatory reporting and inspection is not sound wildlife managment. Stop awarding prize money for a contest that is criminal in nature.


The Honourable Christy Clark
Premier of British Columbia
Box 9041
Victoria, BC

V8W 9E1

Phone: 250-387-1715
Fax: 250-387-0087

The lottery style scheme to kill wolves is being supported by the British Columbia government when it appears to be in violation of section 206 and 207 of the Criminal Code of Canada.

The contest, offering prizes that include $1,000 for the largest wolf killed and $150 for the smallest, with a maximum of three dead wolves per contestant, requires a licence from the provincial government in order to be legal.

Unlimited, unregulated and unlicencened open season killing of wolves without mandatory reporting and inspection is not sound wildlife managment. Stop awarding prize money for a contest that is criminal in nature.


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