Give us a Mortal Kombat full-length animated film, NetherRealm Studios!

Welcome Kombatants,

We, as Mortal Kombat fans, are a proud group. We are unique in our love for blood drenched battlefields, gut-wrenching (and removing) gore, and brilliantly deranged endings to battles that we deem worthy of the name "Fatality". We stood tall against those who opposed our ways in the early days of Mortal Kombat. These pathetic mortals pleaded that the violence is not needed in video games, little did they know that this would spark a revolution in gaming. Realistic ultra-violence in video games began here and we, still, own it. WE ARE THE FACE OF FIGHTING GAMES! WE ALL VOWED TO DEFILE, DECAPITATE AND DESTROY OUR OPPOSITION IN THE ART OF MORTAL KOMBAT!

But there is one battle we have yet to win - We do not have a great film. We are left with the memories that the live action MK films left us. These live action films were mediocre, at best, and they did not capture the essence of Mortal Kombat.

Now, as we draw closer to the release of Mortal Kombat's newest installment, MKX, we see how fantastic the cut-scenes are. My question is, "Why haven't we received an animated MK movie?". I understand before now the graphics were sub-par but now Mortal Kombat is so aesthetically pleasing, we DEMAND more.

So now, as each of us stand, sit, or lie down...remember, we do it together. We are the dominant community of fighting games and we DEMAND a full length animated film done by the amazing folks at NetherRealm Studios.  It is clear that mere mortals can not do what we wish of a Mortal Kombat movie, so just make it animated!!  We don't care what it's about, just make it canon and make it amazing. We deserve this! We have been faithful servants to either Outworld, EarthRealm, NetherRealm, Chaos, so-on since 1992! FOR 22 YEARS, WE HAVE DEDICATED OUR FANDOM TO YOU, NETHERREALM STUDIOS! NOW DO SOMETHING FOR US...NOT BECAUSE OF THE MONEY YOU CAN MAKE, BUT BECAUSE US KOMBATANTS DESERVE IT!



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