to advocate justice for the unjust tactics that are being used upon the men and woman of color that are being charged of crimes in the judicial system "DO BLACK LIVES MATTER IN COURT"?
These prosecutors do not "do justice" as the Supreme Court defines it. Instead, they delay justice and in some cases actively work against it. When a prisoner is exonerated by a lower court, these prosecutors double and triple down, filing appeal after appeal. Or they indict and prosecute the exoneree all over again, sometimes under a wildly different theory at the expense of time and resources that should be used to pursue the crime's actual perpetrator. They may also threaten endless legal challenges to wring "no contest" pleas from innocent prisoners in exchange for time-served sentences. The prisoners, desperate to be free, accept these Faustian bargains, which brand them convicts for life and allow prosecutors to proclaim their guilt and the state to deny them compensation. Some prosecutors are so committed to adhering to the original mistake that they fail to prosecute the actual perpetrators, even when there is evidence to convict them

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