Do Not Let Michael Vick be a Animal Advocate

Michael Vick professional football player was convicted and went to prison for dog fighting and he admitted that he killed the dogs that would not fight because they cost him millions! A convicted felon gets out and gets to go back to playing professional football and know he has another dog. Michael Vick wants to donate 5 million dollars to shelters and be a animal advocate. I do not agree with this the only reason behind him doing this is because he is catching so much banter from not just advocates but he should not even be allowed around animals! Vick should not be allowed to play football sponsor Nike and no way ever to be a advocate he is only doing this I believe so he can just continue his life like he never did anything wrong! Please sign this petition do not allow Michael Vick to be a animal advocate, never forgey and never forgive him he murdered all of those dogs he is not special and should not be allowed animals no matter how much money he has. Thank you!

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