Bring back after-hours care at local veterinary offices

  • al: Becky Gates
  • destinatario: Veterinary Offices in PEI

Veterinary after-hours emergency services are now going through the AVC and most local clinics have stopped offering this service due to veterinarian burn outs. Although we all understand the burn outs and how hard our vets work, having only 1 place, at the AVC, which not only generally more expensive, but also HOURS away from the east and west ends of the island, is unacceptable. If people in west prince or eastern kings require emergency care for their animals, the travel time alone could be a matter of life or death for their beloved fur babies. This petition is to open up discussion for other options, such as dividing the after hours emergency calls between multiple vets in remote areas, reducing the amount of time they would be on call or  having a service similar to 811 that could call in a local veterinarian if the animal may not survive the trip to the AVC or if the client has no means of transportation to Charlottetown. There has to be another way.

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