This Dog Was Found Suffering From Gunshot Wounds, and the Perpetrator Is Still Out There

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Youngstown Police Department

The recent horrifying discovery of brutally abused and murdered dogs in Youngstown, Ohio's east side has shaken the community to its core. In a shocking and heart-wrenching case, a dog was found guarding the body of another dog that had suffered nearly a dozen gunshot wounds, showing signs of being dragged. The graphic nature of this crime, with the dog shot nine times, reflects a chilling disregard for life and an alarming level of cruelty.

Sign this petition to urge Youngstown local authorities and law enforcement to invest all necessary resources in finding and prosecuting the individuals responsible for these heinous acts of animal abuse.

Within just 24 hours and two miles away, another devastating case emerged: an emaciated dead dog, a male pit bull, was found wrapped in a tarp, weighing only 26 pounds – far below a healthy weight for his breed. 

These incidents, along with previous cases in the same area, suggest a disturbing pattern of animal abuse. The locations where these dogs were found – deserted, wooded areas, and overgrown, abandoned streets – indicate that these are not isolated incidents. Join us in standing up for the voiceless victims of animal cruelty in Youngstown.

Sign this petition to call for immediate and rigorous action to find and bring the abusers to justice, sending a clear message that such brutality will not be tolerated.

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