Tell the House GOP to end their Hunter Biden witch-hunt!

  • al: OD Action
  • destinatario: House Oversight Committee

The GOP-controlled House Oversight Committee's recent declaration that it will be investigating the Biden family — and in particular Hunter Biden's business dealings — is nothing but a preposterous witch-hunt and a huge waste of taxpayer resources.

The attacks on Hunter Biden are obviously politically motivated, entirely baseless, and are part of a broader campaign to discredit President Joe Biden in the public eye.  The Committee's ostensible mission is to oversee the executive branch and ensure transparency and accountability in government — not to use government resources to investigate Fox News conspiracy theories.

Tell the House Oversight Committee to investigate some REAL criminals like Donald Trump!

The right-wing obsession with Hunter Biden has already led to a disgraceful and appalling invasion of his personal privacy, the nonconsensual leaking of his intimate photographs, and the theft of his sister's personal diary. Enough is enough.

These Republicans sat by and did nothing as the Trump kids and their spouses sold influence to the Chinese and made shady deals with murderous Saudi oligarchs while working in the White House — but now are suddenly deeply concerned with the business decisions of Hunter Biden when his dad was out of public service? Give us a break. 

Tell the House GOP to end their Hunter Biden witch-hunt!

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