Demand A Boys to Men School program to Stop Domestic Violence

  • al: Mike Yates
  • destinatario: All Education Departments responsible for curriculum

As Natasha Stott Despoja laments: one woman a week loses her life to a violent partner or previous partner. Over 30 000 Aussie women are raped each year and about 100 men (one hundred) are found guilty. Is domestic violence getting better, asks retired Governor General Quentin Bryce? You would think so with all the fantastic work being done and all the expertise available. But, in fact, it's getting worse. Men have a right to learn how to talk to and relate to women with respect and as equals. Support the need to set up, as soon as possible, a Boys to Men program for boys in the last two years of high school; it'll be too late after they leave. Help set up healthy relationship training that can put an end to domestic violence before it even begins!

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