Stop the insanity and Courtesy wave while Driving!

  • al: Jazz Abella
  • destinatario: the courtesy wave applies to virtually everyone. Motorists to bicyclists. From CEO's to Hobos.

You should sign this if


A: You're a human and you have a soul

B:  You understand how important it is to apply manners in driving in driving as well as all other  social situations.

C:  You have been neglected of the wave at one point and you recall how irritated and vexed you were. 

D:  You realize the breakdown of society in this day and age and you want to put an end to this social injustice!



People should sign this because it is a staple that when you let someone in, you do a courtesy wave.  If there is road construction and you let someone merge over.. They courtesy wave!  This can make all the difference in someone s day.  Let people who do you a favor know that you appreciated it. Ther is little to no effort to do it and it's the polite thing to do.   


Keep the courtesy Wave ALIVE!   We are not neamderthals people.. If someone does you a favor and lets you in.. You do the courtesy wave!  Sign my petition and show the world how important this small gesture is to our everyday lives!  

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